Code of Conduct
On this day, 2023-06-09, the following policy has been established for Mikrodust AB, hereinafter
referred to as “the Company”.
The Company’s Code of Conduct Policy has been developed on behalf of the Company’s board
and is a document of the ethical standard and the principles that everyone within the Company is
expected to follow, both employees and board members.
The Company´s Code of Conduct policy aims for Mikrodust AB to be seen as a Company that
takes its social responsibility very seriously where great focus is on people, relationships and the
environment. Furthermore, the Company must be a Company that stands for integrity, reliability
and honesty.
All employees within the Company have a responsibility to follow laws, rules and internal policies.
If anything in this policy would be contrary to national law, the prevailing law in each country
applies before the principles described in the Company’s Code of Conduct Policy.
Internal relations
The Company encourages diversity at all levels within the Group. The Company has a strong
belief that diversity is something positive and that it can improve results. No one shall be
discriminated against on the grounds of sex, transgender identity or expression, ethnicity, religion
or belief, disability, sexual orientation or age. This principle applies both to how we treat our
employees and the procedure in the recruitment and employment process.
The Company sees each employee as an important resource and is committed to retaining its
human capital within the Company. The Company strives to raise the level of competence of its
employees and take advantage of the individual’s full potential. Therefore, the Company takes
care of the individual’s personal development by offering further training opportunities and the
opportunity to develop within the Company.
The Company safeguards the health of its employees by providing a good and safe working
External relations
The Company’s suppliers and partners expects to follow the requirements the Company places
on them so that they meet the Company’s standard. The Company expects them to comply with
current laws and regulations and to be able to meet the Company’s environmental requirements.
Suppliers and partners must undertake not to use forced labor and child labor. Suppliers and
partners must also allow freedom of association and create a good and safe working
environment. Suppliers and partners must be able to live up to the Company’s Conduct Policy. At
the same time as the Company places demands on our suppliers and partners, the Company
strives to maintain good relationships with business partners who promote good collaborations
in the future.
All employees within the Company are expected to behave in a correct manner in contact with
business partners. Thus, neither bribery nor corruption is accepted by the Company. The
Company’s employees and board members may not accept gifts, payment or other benefits that
may affect business decisions, contravening law, commercial practices, custom or good business
Likewise, no one within the Company shall behave in such a manner as described in the
paragraph above that customers, potential customers, governments or representatives of these
units in turn risk being influenced in their decisions.
The Company strives to have satisfied customers. One way to achieve this is to meet the
customer’s needs. This is done through good communication and each individual is responsible
for being accommodating to the customers and handling customer matters and complaints in a
correct manner. The employees are the Company’s face to the outside world and their behavior
reflects the Company’s values.
The Company has a social responsibility and protects its customers as well as the general public
by using and providing safe and secure manufacturing processes and products.
Personal relationships
Personal relationships between employees in the workplace or between an employee and a
person in a managerial position or the like are not prohibited by law for private companies. As an
employee with us, however, you should be aware that we do not encourage the mentioned types
of relationships. We are of the opinion that this risks affecting the work environment, the
performance of your tasks or lead to conflicts of interest.
We take care to avoid the above-mentioned problems as much as possible, which is why we
encourage you who have a personal relationship with someone in the workplace to notify your
immediate supervisor.
The Company strives to have as little environmental impact as possible when it comes to the life
cycle of its own products. As far as possible, materials and methods are used that do not
constitute environmental and health risks, either for the employees or for the general public.
As far as possible we distance ourselves from conflict minerals and demands that our suppliers
not supply us with such materials. We expect our suppliers to take steps to ensure that products
delivered to us do not consist of conflict minerals.
This means that the manufacturing processes must be efficient and energy-efficient, with a
minimal outcome of residual products. Above all, it is important that environmentally hazardous
waste and the impact on the environment, such as environmentally hazardous emissions, are
minimized as much as possible and that it is handled in accordance with laws and regulations.
The Company’s aim is for as much of the components of the end product as possible to be
energy-efficient and recyclable, and for deliveries and transports to take place in the most
environmentally sound way possible.
Contact persons
If an employee has questions about this Conduct Policy, he or she should first contact their
immediate supervisor. Then any of the following people can be contacted:
Function Name Phone number E-post
CEO Mats Iderup +46 (0)733 464150
PMO manager Jessica Malmqvist +46 (0)761472289
The Company’s managers are responsible for ensuring that all employees within the Company
are familiar with the Company’s Conduct Policy, but it is the individual’s responsibility to follow it.
Violating the Company’s Conduct Policy may result in disciplinary action.