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Company News

Oscar Ebbinghaus

We welcome Oskar Ebbinghaus as a new board member at Mikrodust.  

Oskar’s solid background as a managing partner at Accenture and PwC will help Mikrodust in our journey to grow the business.  

Since 2011 Mikrodust has delivered over 200 test fixtures and tested more than 50 000 000 products. The focus has been to develop high-quality production test equipment for our customers.  

The 3rd generation AtoMik® solution pushes the envelope further. AtoMik®Platform and AtoMik®Portal deliver high-quality test fixtures with single or multi-DUT capabilities and remote 24/7 monitoring features. 

 One-Stop-Offering adds all the hardware, software, and mechanics needed to drastically decrease the development lead time from prototype to mass production. 

 AtoMik® – We bring quality to innovation