1. If You are stranded alone on an Island, what will you do?
Find shelter, find water and food before it gets dark. Then go for a walk and check out the island. Like any other day, I suppose, except no toothpaste and more ants.
2. Have you ever been mistaken for someone famous?
I don’t know. Strangers always ask me for directions or to take their family photos, though, so I probably look harmless.
3. What is the worst advice you have ever received?
To stay away from side tracks and focus on school, which I luckily never did. School wouldn’t have been half as meaningful without the real life skills.
4. How did you end up at Mikrodust?
Applied for a thesis-and-job combo that sounded interesting.
5. If you could only use one emoji for the rest of your life, what would it be?
This trilobite covers most needs {||:)<
6.What has been the best day of your life so far?
In retrospect, quite a few days when things that would have important consequences started. Sometimes I didn’t even have a clue at the moment.
7. What is your dream destination?
Trans-Siberian to Japan or anywhere beautiful where you can hike.
8. What can you contribute to Mikrodust?
I do a bit of everything more or less decently if needed; hardware, software, mechanics, customer relations, feeding the fish.